Text of the sign (above):

"The Military Commander - Judea and Samaria

The Ayalon-Canada Park is replete with historical sites… including the remains of a church from the Byzantine period and the remains of a crusader fortress. During the monarchic period, in 1268, the tomb of Sheikh Ibn-Janal was built. The village Dayr Ayub, which overlooked the road leading up to Jerusalem , existed in the area of the park until the War of Independence. The villages Imwas and Yalu existed in the area of the park until the year 1967. In the village of Imwas there lived 2,000 residents, who now reside in and in Ramallah. Near the remains of the village is a cemetery. In the village of Yalu there lived 1,700n residents, who now reside in Jordan and Ramallah. There remains a spring and a number of wells in the village."

In March 2006, following a two-year legal battle, Israeli authorities conceded Zochrot's request to post signs at Canada Park designating the villages of Yalu and Imwas, on which remains the park was built. The signs were posted by the JNF, the Civil Administration, and the Military Commander in Judea and Samaria.

Canada Park JNF Posts Signs 2006

Canada Park JNF Posts Signs 2006 (1)

Canada Park JNF Posts Signs 2006 (2)

Canada Park JNF Posts Signs 2006 (3)

Canada Park JNF Posts Signs 2006 (4)