Attorney Hayley Galgut will present the complexities of even-handedness, victimhood, perpetration and gendered considerations in truth-seeking projects in transitional justice processes, formal and non-formal. 

Truth-seeking projects are a set of mechanisms that allow societies to examine, take responsibility for and come to terms with past injustices and atrocities perpetrated in a violent conflict or oppressive regime, seek redress for victims, prevent future repetition and promote democracy and peace. 

Hayley Galgut is a South African Human Rights Lawyer and Transitional Justice Consultant who is currently lecturing at Al Quds, Hebrew University and TAU. 

Monday,  March 24, 2014,  8 p.m. at Zochrot, 34 Yitzhak Sadeh St., 4th floor, Room 400, Tel Aviv.
The event will be held in English.
For further information please call +972-3-6953155

The lecture is part of series of lectures towards the Public Truth Commission for the events of 1948 to be held at September 2014 at Bee’r Sheva.