Husn camp

Area: Jordan

Camp Size: 0.77

Population Size: 24,715

Established date: 1968


Husn camp, known locally as Martyr Azmi el-Mufti camp, was one of the six "emergency" camps set up in 1968 for 12,500 Palestine refugees and displaced people who left the West Bank and Gaza Strip as a result of the 1967 Arab-Israeli war.

The camp is 80km north of Amman.

The inhabitants were initially accommodated in tents, in an area of 0.77 square kilometres. UNRWA originally planned to provide stronger tents to withstand the harsh winters, but between 1969 and 1971 built 2,990 prefabricated shelters instead.

Over the years, many of the refugees have replaced these with more durable structures.


UNRWA website