Opening Symposium
The Cape Town Document: Return - From vision to plan
Principles for the Return of Palestinian refugees based on a study tour in Cape Town
Sunday, December 23, 8-10 pm, in Beit Ha'am, 69 Rothschild Boulevard, Tel Aviv
Following a study tour in South Africa, members of Zochrot from Tel Aviv and Badil from Bethlehem formulated a document envisioning the return of Palestinian refugees and the re-planning of the country's space, grounded in the principles of acknowledgement, reconciliation and justice.
Over the past few years, both NGOs have been conducting a joint, ongoing learning process aimed at practical planning of the refugees' return to their homeland and realistic assessment of various options for implementing it without doing injustice to its present inhabitants.
We invite the public to an opening night that will include:
- Presentation of key principles
- Brief performance
- Panel of Palestinians and Israelis who will respond to the document and discuss the Return and its implications