[Translated from the Hebrew]

The High Court of Justice
High Court Petition No. 5580/05Zochrot
By Adv. Michael Sfard
The Petitioner

v e r s u s

1. The Military Commander in Judea and Samaria

2. The Civil Administration – Office of Planning

Both by the Attorney General, Ministry of Justice, Jerusalem

3. The Jewish National Fund

The Respondents

Preliminary Response by Respondents 1 and 2

In accordance with the decision of the Hon. Judge Naor, Respondents 1 and 2 (hereafter: "the Respondents") have the honor of submitting a preliminary response on their behalf, as follows:

The issue of the petition put forward by the Petitioner, is the request that the Respondents post signs in the area of Canada Park which will designate that two villages existed there up to 1967, Yalu and Imwas.

The Respondents have the honor of notifying that pursuant to previous discussions that took place at the Civil Administration and the Office of the Attorney General during 2003-2004, and following an additional discussion at the office of the Head of the Civil Administration, an instruction was given on 27.6.05 by the Head of the Civil Administration to post signs at the requested sites designating the fact that the villages of Yalu and Imwas existed at those sites until 1967.

In these circumstances, it appears that the petition is redundant and should be nullified.

Sharon Dotshanker
Senior Deputy to the Attorney General