Visit to Ras al Ahmar and Interview: 

On April 29, 2007 Zochrot members Eitan Bronstein and Esther Goldenberg traveled to the Moshav of Kerem Ben Zimra, to hold an interview with a Jewish resident. A few months earlier, we received an email from a woman who was resident of the moshav, asking to join Zochrot's activities. When Eitan informed her of the Bridging Memory project and she helped us get in touch with one of the oldest living Jewish residents, who came to the place in 49, directly after the village was destroyed and its residents deported.

Collaboration with Najdeh:
In October 2007, Zochrot received filmed testimonies of 20 refugees from Ein el
Hilwe refugee camp in Lebanon; we also received photographs of 16 of the refugees interviewed.

Bridging Memory – Film:
Zochrot's testimonies and film coordinator viewed all filmed material from Ein el Hilwe. She then chose five testimonies, of refugees whose photographs were then enlarged into life size portraits. The five interviews were edited into a short 10 minute film, and the Arabic was translated into Hebrew and English subtitles. The initial version of the film was completed by November 2007.

In 2008 Zochrot will have spent another two days at the village to film its grounds, as they are today, to be edited into the film's final version, which will have been chosen to be part of Zochrot's film compilation DVD.

Creating life size photographs:
Zochrot's graphic designer enlarged the photographs into life-size portraits and pasted them onto hard background. The photos were used for several activities, to be described below, and seeing the life size images was very affective. 

Visiting Kerem Ben Zimra with Photographs:  
On November 14, Zochrot members and photographer Tierry Bresillon, traveled for a day of photographing at the village grounds. They posted the life sized portraits beside the remains offering at least a gesture of the possibility for return. During the village they also aroused the interest of a few local residents who asked after the project and were quite taken in by the photographs of the refugees. 

Lecture night:
The following day, as part of Zochrot's evening lecture series, Tierry Bresillon offered slides of our visit to Ras al Ahmar, as well as slides from his time at Ein el Hilwe. About 15 people attended, and showed great curiosity and interest throughout the evening. 

Street activity in Tel Aviv:
Zochrot commemorated the 59th anniversary of the Partition Plan with an installation on Tel Aviv’s Rothschild Boulevard. The installation showed the life sized portraits of the refugees, alongside the photographs of the portraits placed amid the ruins of Ras al Ahmar. These giant photos were displayed on the busy boulevard and a leaflet was distributed to passers-by, who showed considerable interest in the project.

The event got its share of publicity in Tel Aviv's leading local paper, Ha'Ir.