The symposium will offer an extensive discussion of the issues addressed by the exhibition, with emphasis on memory and its erasure in Palestinian culture, particularly that of the city of Jaffa beyond the hyphen – an oblivion that is part of the overall eradication of the Palestinian cities in 1948 and the 67 years since. The discussion will be guided by a comparative perspective, presenting a variety of projects which have undertaken complex moves with reference to Palestinian urban history.

Friday, May 15, 10:45-14:00, Al-Rabita offices, 73 Yefet St. Jaffa

10:45 Assembly


Greetings and opening statements: Debby Farber, exhibition curator, Gaby Abbed, chair of Al-Rabita (Association for Jaffa’s Arabs)
Sami Abu-Shehade: The Nakba in the Jaffaite Context: Critical Reflection on the Palestinians’ Exclusion from the History and Geography of the Place
Dorit Naaman, Queen’s University, Canada: Missing Address – Virtual Return to Qatamon
Gil Mualem Doron: Transgressive Tactics in Occupied Spaces

12:30-12:45 Coffee break


Karmit Batzir and Raz Rozkin (informal study unit at the Bezalel Academy of Art and Design , supervised by Arch. Snan Abd-el-Qadr): Daqqa Orchard

Jumana Manna’s film "A Sketch of Manners – Alfred Roche’s Last Masquerade" (2013, 12 min. English with Arabic subtitles).
The screening will be followed by a lecture by Muhammad Jabali

For More Informations about the Exhibition