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The 3rd International Conference on the Return of Palestinian Refugees
From: 21-22/03/2016

**Panel: Between Mizrahim and Palestinians: The Tension Between Exclusion and Responsibility**

Chair: Dr. Tom Pessah–Yonatan/ Shapira postdoctoral fellow at the Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology, Tel Aviv University

  • Ashkenazi Privileges, the Nakba and the Mizrahim / Tom Mehager – Mizrahi activist and blogger at Haoketz website
  • The Mizrahim and the Nakba: Analyzing the Problematic Conjunction / Dr. Zvi Ben-Dor Benite – Professor of history and Chair of the Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, NYU
  • “We? We Weren’t Even Here”: Between Ethnic Identity and Collective Responsibility / Adi Livny – PhD student, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, member of Zochrot’s Mizrahi Struggle and the Nakba group
  • Holon Project: In search of the Mizrahi Heritage of 1948 / Dr. Hilla Dayan – Amsterdam University College, co-founder of the Israeli Equality Academy and gate48 – platform for critical Israelis in the Netherlands
  • Respondent: Hana Amoury - Palestinian activist from Yaffa, involved in struggles for public housing and against the occupation; member of Tarabut; previously Director of Sadaka-Reut, an NGO that provides bi-national education

To watch the pannel in English 

To watch the pannel in Hebrew (original language)


Since the beginning of the Nakba in 1948, hundreds of thousands of Palestinians have lost home and homeland due to the ongoing violence of the State of Israel and Zionist militias against civilian populations. To this day, most Palestinians are refugees dispersed in various locations worldwide, many of them victims of a second and even third displacement.
For 68 years, Israel has consistently prevented the Palestinian refugees from returning.
Zochrot works to promote recognition and responsibility-taking by Jewish Israeli society for its part in the ongoing Nakba and realize the return of Palestinian refugees as the necessary redress of the Nakba.

The conference seeks to examine different ways of promoting return today as well as imagine the post-return reality. Its point of departure is recognition of the right of return and its objective is to explore how return will occur in practice, and how it can offer an opportunity for living together in a truly democratic, egalitarian and just regime for all inhabitants of this country. Accordingly, the issues discussed in the conference will focus on the post-return political, cultural, educational, economic and planning realities, as well as on current spaces and activities to promote return in practice.

Zochrot’s activities, including this conference, reach out primarily to Jewish Israeli society in order to promote discussion of return. However, the conference is open to anyone interested in return and contributing to its promotion. 

More about the conference, click here