Bayt Nuba


District: Ramla

Occupation date: 06/06/1967



Tour at 'Imwas village

50 years of second occupation are part of 70 years of ongoing Nakba

The Creation of New KKL

This film was created for the exhibition of New KKL in Zochrot, February-May 2014

This project has no connection to KKL-JNF.

Traveling on the Ruins

Ayalon Canada Park is full of cyclists and hikers who enjoy the scenery and the weather, but few know the story of the three Palestinian villages that were demolished in 1967 on which the park sits.


Remembering Imwas, Yalu and Bayt Nuba 05/2007


Where the villages stood 12/2007
Turning entire Palestinian villages invisible 16/06/2016
What is Martin Luther King's name doing in the ruins of a Palestinian village? 17/02/2016
Most JNF - KKL forests and sites are located on the ruins of Palestinian villages 04/2014
Zochrot's experience facing the Jewish state challenge 10/2013
To the University of Ontario, re: 2008 Jewish National Fund Negev Dinner and Award 01/2008
Response of the Occupied Territories Military Commander to Zochrot's Canada Park petition 04/2006
JNF's response to Zochrot's Canada Park petition 04/2006
High Court ruling on Canada Park legal fees 05/2006
High Court petition on Canada Park 05/2005
Letter to JNF on continued signposting of Palestinian sites 03/2006
Restless Park: On the Latrun villages and Zochrot 11/-0001
2nd Film Festival \ Media coverage 11/2014
If there already is a sign in the park - there will also be a mention of the destroyed Palestinian village 31/01/2008
Omrim Yeshna Eretz – Once upon a Land 08/2012
Locality testimonies
Crying Wolf? By Uri Avnery 16/03/2003
Brother Guy Khoury 1967
Locality events
Tour & action at the Destroyed Palestinian village of 'Imwas [In Canada- Ayalon Park]
Locality tours
Park Canada
Imwas, Yalu, and Beit Nuba Tour - Report
Locality activities
Procession of Return to the Villages of Latrun
The signs are posted!
Missing sign at Canada Park
Sign vandalized